Omlab aims to make #3dcp a lot more sustainable! Omlab researches ecologically sound options for sustainable 3d constructive printing. Without loosing sight of biodiversity. The circular and biobased designstudio focusses on resources from (waste) water management. Tertiairy resources, so formerly known as garbage.
3dcp? 3d constructive printing or 3d concrete printing. At Omlab we use the term as 3d circular printing!
At our workshop in Arnhem (The Netherlands) Omlab reduces the use of new biobased resources to a minimum. Also, Omlab doesn’t use minerals or fossile resources or chemical additives.
Omlab has made several circular materialprototypes like ItBetterMatter and BuildMatterial. De double t is deliberate, based on ‘Material Matters’ by Thomas Rau and Sabine Rau-Oberhufer. Materials have rights, and waste doesn’t exist. Omlab’s oMatterials (the material prototypes) are ecologically sound, biodegradable and can be used for constructions indoors and for temporary structures outside. At the moment it has the strength of a cellular concrete block (C8). First findings also show it can be reprinted as well.
Omlab has 3dprinted large stackable building blocks, made with BuildMatterial, the circular building paste made out of waste water based resources. Together with Fillip Studios, the studio researches how Omlab’s 3D-printable waste material can give nature a chance to recover from nitrogen acidification (English info about Maacq Oase on
In 2021 and 2022 Omlab works on improving the constructive ability of the BuildMatterial and several proof of concepts, together with a Dutch concrete company, partners and with the expertise of TNO (Rijksprogramma Emissieloos Bouwen (net zero carbon building)).
A 3D-printed building block and colour samples are part of the material library of Foster and Partners, London.

Designer Huub Looze behind Restroom Number Two, 3dprinted wall of circular resources.
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